Project Designation: ATWILL Internacionalização
Typology: SI Qualificação e Internacionalização - PME - Proj.Individuais
Project Code: NORTE-02-0752-FEDER-012661
Beneficiary Entity: AtWill, Lda.
Start Date: 01.05.2016
Completion Date: 31.01.2018
Total Eligible Cost: €138.138,06
European Union Financial Support | ESF: €62.425,13
Project Summary
With the investments associated with this project, Atwill sought to define the commercial operating model, with a view to the business's commercial visibility in the following aspects: how to sell, to whom to sell, and where to sell. In this regard, the need arose to structure its business model in line with what is consistent with various studies/documents as overarching elements of the defined strategy and in accordance with its vision of the current state of the sector and the service it intends to provide. It conducted a prospective analysis of its reality and concluded that its communication matrix should be directed towards "external markets."
Based on this paradigm, Atwill defined the acquisition of a set of products and services as a priority, with the goal of implementing an internationalization plan that would bring visibility and financial return.
The investment plan included the following actions:
Development of a Marketing and Communication Plan.
Creation of a Multilingual Online Booking and Experience Organization Platform.
Conducting External Activities, such as visits to Fairs and Operators.
Organizing Familiarization Trips targeted at sector Bloggers.
Development of Promotional and Communication Materials.
Acquisition of Equipment.
Hiring of new employees.
These actions were implemented over the course of approximately two years and proved to be of utmost importance for the company's growth and strengthening of its presence in the market, particularly in the international market.
Among the results achieved, it is important to highlight that, in 2019, the ratio of services provided abroad was already very close to 80%, which was the defined strategic goal. Despite the constraints experienced in the recent past, Atwill managed to overcome the difficulties and remains in the market solidly, with notable progress and growth.